Foolproof Ways to Babyproof Your Home

Little ones love to explore, so it’s important that you properly prep your home!
babyproofing your home

The arrival of a new baby brings many responsibilities, one of which is babyproofing your home. Here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing your home for your new little bundle of joy:

Slam Jam

Install door stops and holders so that their fingers don’t get caught.

Cabinet Caution

Make sure cabinets and drawers are equipped with safety latches.

Tie Up Loose Ends

Tie up the cords from your blinds and curtains so they’re out of reach.

Don’t Cut Corners

Cover any sharp corners, such as those on coffee tables, with foam padding.

It’s No Shock

Cover electrical outlets with safety plugs so they can’t shove keys or other objects into them.

Strong Attachments

Tether shelves and dressers to the wall so they won’t tip over if your little one starts climbing them.

Gate Guardian

Install a baby gate at the top and bottom of your staircase. Make sure they’re attached directly to the wall and not just pressure-mounted.

Babies have a natural born need to explore their new surroundings. To help see things from their perspective, get down and crawl around on all fours to identify any potential hazards.

Whatever you do, don’t leave it until the last second. It’s best to babyproof your home before your little one arrives, as it’ll be the last thing on your mind when you’re a tired new parent.

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