The Grass Can Always Be Greener

Having a lush, green lawn that will turn your neighbour green with envy takes time and patience.
lawn mower

This summer, it’s important that our lawns look thick, healthy and lush since we’re spending so much time outside enjoying our backyards.

Here are a few natural lawn care tips that will turn your neighbours green with envy:

Stay Sharp

Avoid mowing when it’s wet and remember to sharpen the blade several times during the season.

Zig Zag

Mowing the grass in a different direction each time prevents wear patterns and encourages upright growth.

No Short Cuts

Don’t cut your lawn too short. Tall grass is more stress-tolerant, shades out weeds and has deeper roots to increase the intake of nutrients and water.

Breathe Deeply

Aerating puts holes in your lawn to loosen the ground which allows water to easily get to the roots. This natural treatment will make your lawn look like a golf course!

Natural Nutrients

Unless your grass is in really bad shape, it’s best to leave the grass clippings on the lawn as they’ll provide important nutrients.

Doggy Doo Don’ts

If your furry friend is creating brown urine patches on your lawn, water the area of grass they go on as it’ll dilute the nitrogen and minimize the damage.

Properly taking care of your lawn will greatly increase your home’s curb appeal but it’s not all about looks.

Caring for your grass also has great environmental benefits as a healthy lawn releases oxygen and captures dirt and dust which helps keep you and your family healthy!

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