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college crib
Buyer Tips

The College Crib Advantage

Buying a college crib for your kid could be a great investment opportunity!
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debt eraser

Paying Debt Pays Off

Climbing out of debt can feel like an uphill battle if there aren’t any footholds to follow.
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key in door
Buyer Tips

Avoiding Home Buyer’s Remorse

If you’re looking to make a move, a bit of planning will help you dodge the uneasy feeling of post-purchase regret.
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house dartboard

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

Think outside the box this year by setting resolutions to get your house in order!
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christmas window

Ho Ho Home Staging for the Holidays

‘Tis the season to stage your home with a subtle festive flare!
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dog welcome mat

Pet Peeves That Can Soil Your Sale

Make sure your pets don’t end up becoming one of your buyer’s pet peeves!
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Halloween In the ‘Hood

Halloween's the perfect time of year to get out and mingle with the people on your street!
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fall home staging
Seller Tips

Fall Home Staging Tips

Create an amazing first impression that will make buyers instantly FALL in love with your home!
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kids at school

Adjusting to a New School

Starting a new chapter at a different school can sometimes be a challenge.
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