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buyer turn-offs
Seller Tips

Beware of Buyer Turn-offs

Make sure to address these common turn-offs so buyers don’t run for the door!
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farmers market

Food for Thought

Buying locally grown “farm to table” food helps support our amazing local farmers!
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grilled fruit

Grilled Fruit Skewers

Mix things up on the grill this summer with a healthy, tantalizing dessert!
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house sunset
Buyer Tips

Old or New: What’s Best for You?

There are various pros and cons when it comes to newer vs. older homes.
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home staging couch
Seller Tips

Setting the Stage For Your Sale

You only get one chance to make a great first impression when selling your home!
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Home Safety

Safety Tips For the Que

It’s that time of year when the kitchen starts to slowly edge its way outside!
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backyard water feature

Water Down Your Relaxation

Your backyard’s the perfect place to take a break from the hectic pace of everyday life.
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for rent sign
Buyer Tips

Getting Your Foot In the Door

Rental properties can be a great way to get your foot in the door, so to speak.
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small house in grass
Home Decor

Thinking Big in Small Spaces

Living small is all the rage but you can still live large in a small space!
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