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Seller Tips

Riding the Real Estate Roller Coaster

Selling your home is a huge financial transaction that can trigger a roller coaster of emotions.
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rain barrel
Environmentally Friendly

Have a Barrel of Fun On Earth Day!

Earth Day is the perfect time to pick up a rain barrel so that you can start collecting naturally pure rainwater.
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condo pool
Buyer Tips

Condo Conundrum: Freedom vs. Freedom

It’s important to carefully consider the pros and cons before purchasing a condo.
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childs room decor
Home Decor

Child’s Play Guide to Decorating

Decorating your kid’s room will be child’s play with these easy tips!
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couple on couch relaxing
Healthy Living

Breathe New Life Into Your Home

When it comes to indoor air quality, it’s best to “air” on the side of caution.
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couple relaxing amongst renovations
Home Renovations

Tips for a Smooth Renovation

A little advanced planning will help keep you sane during your renovation.
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buy local christmas

Help Support Our Local Businesses

Local businesses need our help this holiday season. Here are a few ways we can help support them!
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price reduced sign
Seller Tips

Seller Mistakes That Cost Thousands

If you're planning on selling your home, it’s important to be aware of some common mistakes that sellers can fall victim to.
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fire escape ladder
Home Safety

Upper-Level Fire Escape Planning

A fire escape ladder is hopefully something you'll ever need but having it on hand will certainly set your mind at ease.
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