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shaking hands next to a house
Sales Strategies

Negotiating Your Way to Success

Negotiating skills are useful for just about any situation but there are certain scenarios that may require a professional.
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Neighbourhood Name Game

Trick-or-treaters will soon be out and about, alongside their parents, so it's the perfect time to get to know your neighbours!
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woman shouting at her computer with a megaphone
Buyer Tips

When Pushy Comes to Shovy

It's important that you and your agent are on the same page throughout your house hunting journey.
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magnify glass looking at a home
Buyer Tips

Inspect the Unexpected

An unexpected repair bill is the last thing you want when you move into your dream home.
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dryer vent
Home Safety

Is Your Dryer Full of More Than Just Hot Air?

Ignoring your dryer is like playing with fire!
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real estate questions
Real Estate

Buying First vs. Selling First

Buying a home can be an emotional roller coaster but when you also have a home to sell, there’s twice as much to think about.
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french bulldog puppy

Puppy-Proofing Your Home

Are you and your home prepared for the adventure of a new puppy?
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parents seeing child off to school

Preparing For An Empty Nest

Having an empty nest when the kids fly the coop can be a bit of an adjustment.
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woman removing wallpaper
Home Decor

No More Wallpaper Woes

Wallpaper used to be all the rage, and it’s starting to make a comeback!
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