Real Estate & Instagram

real estate Instagram posts
The world of real estate has seen some incredible changes over the past decade, especially when it comes to technology.

Having a strong presence on social media isn’t as much an option nowadays as it is a necessity. If you look weak on social media, you’re going to look weak as an agent.

After all, one of the first things potential clients do when they’re thinking about working with you is to look you up on social media. It’s very similar to online dating.

But aside from trying to figure out whether or not you’re a weirdo, they’ll also want to see how active you are on social media. Do you live and breathe real estate or is it more of a side hustle?

At the end of the day, nearly everyone starts their real estate search online so it’s essential that you consistently put yourself out there so that potential clients will be more likely to notice you.

Why use Instagram to sell real estate?

Nearly 37% of homebuyers in 2021 (the single largest generational group of buyers) were between the ages of 26 to 41 years old – aka, the millennials – and one of the most popular social media platforms among millennials is Instagram.

But it’s not just millennials. Instagram’s popularity continues to grow among older generations as it provides a quick and easy way to obtain valuable information while allowing the opportunity for targeted feedback and engagement. This is what makes Instagram such a powerful sales tool!

Instagram is an absolute must-have when it comes to marketing both yourself and your properties, but the big question then becomes, how do I use Instagram to maximize my sales?

Instagram’s ever-changing algorithms are complicated, to say the least, so increasing your audience and engagement requires a solid plan of action. Here are a few tips that’ll help you make the most of Instagram:


It’s important to add fresh posts on a consistent basis as it shows people that you’re active and updated, which means you as an agent are active and updated.

Consistent posting also helps increase engagement. If a viewer likes one of your posts and you add another one the next day, it increases the chances that they’ll see your new post. Likes increase engagement, so the more you get, the more you’re seen.


Viewers will quickly get bored of constantly seeing the same type of content so try to mix things up by adding a variety of content that’s engaging.

For example, instead of just posting your listings, add some fun “This or That” posts (ie. newer home vs. older home) that will elicit a response. That way, you’re reaching everyone instead of only those who are interested in your new 2 bedroom condo listing.


It’s important to create a calendar so that you can plan out your posts a few weeks in advance instead of struggling to come up with posts at the last minute only to miss the mark.

While it’s important to have a calendar with planned content, it’s important to be somewhat flexible. The beautiful part is that if something comes up that bumps your original post, you’ll now have content for the following week!


When posting to Instagram, it’s important to be yourself. It’s therefore not necessary to brand every single post with your photo, logo, phone number, etc. as it doesn’t look natural.

In fact, if you worry about all of the posts in your feed looking the same, it’ll discourage you from adding random posts “on the fly” that would better convey your true personality.


It’s a hot market, which means you’re likely pretty busy. After all, who has time to spend hours planning, creating, and editing a never-ending stream of Instagram posts? Rather than trying to figure everything out on your own, consider hiring someone to take care if for you!

By using Real Estate Machine, you can look forward to a constant supply of professionally designed posts in either a vibrant or minimalist theme that can be fully customized to reflect your own personal style.

If you’re too busy to customize and schedule your Instagram posts, we can even take care of that for you with engaging designs and clever captions that are sure to elicit a response, all without you ever having to lift a finger!

Every day, more and more real estate agents are using Instagram to maximize their exposure in an increasingly competitive digital world. If you’re looking to take your Instagram account to the next level for just $27/month, check out our Instagram posting service today!

P.S. As always, our services are offered on a monthly basis with no contract. There’s also a 30-day money-back guarantee should you change your mind.


Online tips for real estate agents!


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