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backyard flowers

The Birds & the Bees

Turn your backyard into a peaceful sanctuary that buzzes with activity.
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house tools
Home Maintenance

High Return Home Repairs

Taking care of basic repairs before you put your home on the market is a smart move.
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home hacks
Home Maintenance

Handy Home Hacks

These simple yet ingenious home hacks will make your life so much easier!
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new listing for sale
Real Estate

The Price is Right

The way you price your home can either make or break your sale.
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family selling their home

Preparing to Show with Kids in Tow

You don’t want to “kid around” when it comes to preparing your home for showings.
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home staging springtime
Seller Tips

Home Staging Tips that Spring to Mind

If you’re thinking of selling your home, there’s no time like springtime!
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college crib
Buyer Tips

The College Crib Advantage

Buying a college crib for your kid could be a great investment opportunity!
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debt eraser

Paying Debt Pays Off

Climbing out of debt can feel like an uphill battle if there aren’t any footholds to follow.
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key in door
Buyer Tips

Avoiding Home Buyer’s Remorse

If you’re looking to make a move, a bit of planning will help you dodge the uneasy feeling of post-purchase regret.
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